Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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She did not know that only the longer hours would allow it to -
The resonant aizritināja as drops over rocks stream.
[ ]
She suddenly felt the breath of his lips in the number of seconds,
But it was too late, as zobošs thread broke her gait.
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tell me - or a better life would be if the backlog idea to grow dark scenes?
She netēloja myself, but all the time in life was the same.
[ ]
Even the eternal stars burned out,
Only the rays for a long time it rains,
As the pain of lost light
Endless tales roam.
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human life -
How much done as suffered by him -
The bottom line is lit in the heart of stars,
What stays on after death.
[ ]
How ever green bay leaf
To the memory of nenovīst!

To quiet bend the head here -
Worshipable work and fight obstinacy.
And bright as your lifetime award
To weave the new generations morning!
[ ]
rustles snow and sand,
Aizbirst trails, and a loss.
Only a memory in the heart
[ ]
severe weather regimes,
Where did you come place to go.
Div of eternal ice and mountains -
Alone among the warm breath of blossoms.
[ ]
digested lightning ax slim pine,
It instantly brākšķēdama breaks.
It flamed this life will end,
Beat the last one to dun pērkonīgais thunder.
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is ongoing as a tear drop,
Away go my summer.
[ ]
And leaves brush, and leaves are falling,
Winter will be present in citurīt.
[ ]
go rustling through the heart,
Rustling through life to go.
In this life to dwell
Still would like a little bit.
[ ]
flowers flourish and donate,
All living beauty wilt.
Long been felt for some where to find
Chest dot not heal anymore.
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If all of the joy, anguish and love is taken,
Thank you to say - everything in life has been received.
[ ]
with thee, land of the living force
My Way has been out for a lifetime,
Well, in your lap safe closed
From every pain will flee.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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