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Page : 7
quietly, slowly fades farewell word after the word -

When the dream of dreaming,
When you hear this song,
I should be abstracted by thoughts -
I should be aizdziedājies -
[ ]
Say that you\'re a flower, flowers, donate,
Tell me, where nightingales are singing, singing Nightingales,
Tell me, which stars Ray have you on my eyelids,
Say what you write on my eyelid?
Tell me where you are sunrise and sunset where the bark
Tell him you are waiting for me everywhere, but at any point.
[ ]
Morning Star, takes away my endless distance.
I will be all I\'ll be closer to all -
endless distance.
[ ]
What love wants to give even more,
When the time lapse fibrillation -
Every foot, pray, leaving
I Platanthera jāiedēsta.
[ ]
moonlight, moonlight alone
With you leave me wall.
[ ]
with green leaves rustling aizšalc life:
One lonely feeling of trepidation warning,
When winter comes after the long or short cīruļaini.
With green leaves rustling aizšalc life:
It can be said-as I\'ve been in the novel I\'m
As I carried away snow and colorful field of flowers with the breath,
With green leaves rustling aizšalc life:
Or hand to give? Yes. Who? How to say goodbye to green leafy games?
I own destruction, said a thousand tongues of love.

Do not hold me, I\'ll be - aiziedams.
Start of fire and snow\'m balding -
Neatnākušu worlds and gods neatnākušu puff.
[ ]
Father sedzies green turf,
Go to the winds quietly across the
And zum:
Blank space under the sun.

Go one of you to propel the field furrows,
Ploughshare cut flowers, the grass is falling.
As heart
Feel the next blank space.
[ ]
I\'ll be everywhere ...
As dew in flower,
As the smell of the trees,
As the breeze white apple.
[ ]
the stone tower slowly ringing, ringing,
And the sun is grave enough to field the soul.
Slowly, slowly calling.
[ ]
day Silos red berry set.
[ ]
Veli picks spruce pole,
Cemetery gate opens slowly.
Come on.

The Valley picks up the fir-pole,
Quietly opens cemetery gates. -
Passage. - Can not. - Darkness.
[ ]
My dzīvīte -
Solar nebulae
Fade Lapwing.
[ ]
Keep me roots
Hold, do not hold -
Man Eternal walker
The SE can not tie.
[ ]
Dun hollow mill in the sky,
Ur destiny spans served basis;
Where people started the course,
There need to go back.
[ ]
Which should go, you or me?
Or so the bird\'s song,
Noriebusi that sound?

the law - the site fall;
When the fruit is mature,
time to separate them from the tree.
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Page : 7

Poems /

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