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Poems /

Page : 5
Space. What endless emptiness
Room surrounded by either running around,
There is nothing to say good morning,
And no longer waiting at home.
[ ]
your work will live in other homes,
Your kindness will burn them.
You own native land side
Warm, warm tree roots will be covered.
[ ]
remain above ground silver mornings,
Half-life, linden branches silenced,
But the other half taking with them,
Eternity has gone over the mountain.
[ ]
But you stay there - klnā,
Where has your beloved lying.
Quiet song rustling pines -
Sand bed will be warm.
[ ]
We remain silent lake,
Winds rustling and comforts us,
But your site, which was in this life,
Is, was and always will be your so.
[ ]
hardest heart of white sand
Dark grave, the coffin to fall,
Because we know - it\'s farewell time -
One o\'clock yesterday, and will no longer be tomorrow.
Again come summer, daisy flowers
Bees apple dūks Pazar.

Your songs Rogue white birch,
Your sighs will show a wild rose,
Over your heart and active life
Mother Earth will be covered by either the villains.
[ ]
did not manage to say goodbye to you.
Did not manage - either too late to everything.
We light the fire of life
[ ]
Thoughts severe
As the waves of the Daugava River,
What you\'ve got intertwining pair.
Now there winds
Only ripples woodpeckers,
And walk in the sun
Just as in the past.
[ ]
garden flower after flower wither,
A man goes to them.
And infinitely sad and lonely
A house come morning.
[ ]
going up along the path of needles present
And do not get any longer ago.
And all past bear been presented in a frosty,
Woodpecker gone forever so striking.
[ ]
Time stops with harsh overtones,
There is no future, just as the wind a voice.
And a dear, good heart
Never again will not hurt, nor frost.
[ ]
you go away in a white winter roads.
- For eternity! - Rustles the pine, fir, birch.
And a long, long house doors
Never again your hand will not open.
[ ]
you go away. We remain behind you,
And the sad winds about your life sing,
Because you did not spare the power of darkness,
You have had a long time. denied even the colorful saulesriets.
[ ]
And the heart is a quiet sandy bed clamps,
But the pigeons outside the window just dūks.
As a house, a room
Both your voice and your steps will be short.
[ ]
time crying gray day
Color pages bear walk trails.
Ejecting the way back in eternity,
Friends for some time late next.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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