Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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When I want to bury the great silence
Heart dižus works invoke not,
But friends, homeland and life will be able to say:
I\'ve loved all his life.
[ ]
And, listening to the story rustled cornfield,
I wanted to live it Kaur,
To my fields, close to the harvest day,
For my ears do not speak evil.
[ ]
And memories blossom around him
White that the apple trees.
[ ]
I\'m a transient phenomenon,
When you pull the stripe under the settlement,
Then you will see
Ck little for me to know
While all of you right here in front of Tina:
As the Milky Way, as your father and mother
I\'ll stay you neizdibināta.
[ ]
years Creep Strength
aiztecēja Eternity ...
[ ]
Take, my native land, take all that I have been, What thy white knees of me yet neizlijis.
[ ]
not tell who had. to say,
Not yet done, who had promised
But in his pocket in the evening
Hides the sun a pale pink pebbles.
[ ]
without irradiation joy
On the ground do not want to go,
While light strēlīti detail
[ ]
will come autumn with its gold,
And winter comes with silver,
But I nepaceļams pair
Guls darkness and silence cover.
[ ]
behind me will not remain empty, but full of life as grains,
Just keep your eyes forever highest Bird Road ...
[ ]
bright kid, my chestnut candle
I would like to see you happy.
I\'d like you to have to guard and protect,
I have every one of your precious petal.
[ ]
Where tears fall on the ground.
There Neaizmirstules germinate,
And everyone passing by,
They may pick or trample.
[ ]
There will draw on gold shoes
swans and dance at the ball.
But a cruel hand
mārtiņrožu time off.

And a third infinity
Life is infinity ...
[ ]
Here, swallow flies away,
behold, at the Willow Lake grieve, -
They also lit the fire of life,
but infinitely far away from us ...
[ ]
Silence. Darkness. Bring a bluish glow
across the lake from the city met.
And as a small child by the hand
Eternity takes minutes away.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 9

Poems /

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