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Poems /

Page : 7
land behind the gate remains in love,
Behind the gates of the land remains in
And anxiety of your life pledge
And, this time as a bleak and harsh.
[ ]
Couples funeral flowers fluttering flame -
Well the great silence beside replaced.
Your life will live in the heart of lightness.
To rest in peace you covered.
[ ]
deal is in the works ...
Ending years
Beautiful and harsh.
[ ]
silence all around,
so the wind
naked branches arc tired
and stars
As the tears fall.
[ ]
once in a lifetime of love to go party
with people who were dear to you,
directly adversity and pain
not afraid to walk by your side.
[ ]

pieces of the sun,
the lifetime
nerimst to light.
[ ]
noble harshness of such an hour,
When a person dies and flowers ...
[ ]
... Better coverage,
your song in our hearts

And the birds will not come anymore village
they forget your window,
to which shall be endorsed in the winter,
full swing frost tree.
[ ]
each runway,
we pursue in your life
a straight line as the last, and - it\'s all
remaining land,
friends, love
and pine wind exhausted from the road ...
[ ]
Oh, the year to
now covers the quiet
them, the heart of the most
was loved.
[ ]
Oh, this white silence
apsnigšana gentle,
perch in flake
melt me ​​on the cheek.
[ ]
is large combustion time
when up to date with leaves
for plēnēm turns and disappears
behind the wall of nothingness.
[ ]
assembled on the chest
a working man\'s hands,
the strong, rough
as if saying to us:
not time to end
all done properly,
too had to give a short flight.
[ ]

Life has ceased ...
so much still remained,
the hungering heart and mind ...

as spring
bird-cherry flourish
and izsmaržos without you ...
[ ]
day ... all the towers in gold
Dress in purple sunset. -
Oh, be quiet, the heart, you sad jaundice,
All the bitterness has not yet been cast in you!
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Page : 7

Poems /

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