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Poems /

Page : 5
About me weep. With soft vakarvēju
I used to send greetings from TĀLES
life and love as I loved it.
Who lived in a beautiful, is not it a pity to go away.
[ ]
Life finished. What a great and mighty life,
garnished with work as a heavy oak Zilema,
that liecies not, whatever winds are blowing,
with strong roots stiegrodams from the subsoil.
[ ]
dark night. You have no life, not years - days does not apply.
Traukmē his life as a hit from a high hill watching.
Brībies, survey into - why always the case, as if death bēgdams, ran?
Now, I said goodbye to life - life cover has not time.
[ ]
I wanted to go further in the far fields,
Listen to the song by singing heyday,
The blue waves of the sea to be still,
Heart to feel welcome there freedom -
Dark night -
[ ]
I wanted to save yourself a light heart,
The pain of the lost silence,
Past deposit slumber in the tomb,
Road to life himself maimīgu break -
Dark night -
[ ]
Sacred ideals brought clean hands you life;
Here, at the edge of his grave, in the hands of his son put them either,
Tremble at the heart of all riches: how will it protect us? -
What it takes - with its long, white father, himself\'re here!
[ ]
to an unknown place -
Never stay there - I go,
On the green hill say
Good-bye, when the sun set,
Good-bye, when the sun set here -
In this sad summer.
[ ]
Dusiet cool, green mountains, -
Unknown to me the end of the road:
Will turn blue chair race
Where to call me a dream voice.
[ ]
Next, more ... rustles by Sil -
Life of property save expensive ...
Next, more ... Kind that was -
Whale goodbye as Mother.
[ ]
quiet, sacred resting place ...
A lifelong dream of late at night
To me the old tree rustles.
[ ]
Night has not eternal -
Again atausīs morning,
Again, summer will be,
But I will no longer
[ ]
Because then it is not worth living,
If on this earth is left in our hands and hearts articles.

And suddenly sounding in my garden one morning calls to silence
So unexpected and so shrill, that may at first embarrassed;
And then there needs to be paid his eyes.

This the only land bank we breathe, sing and grow,
And, looking at clouds stripes, their seamlessly sapošamies
Your in the big flight.
[ ]
... is a rich man, is immortal,
He is a big part of the shine.

Time will take what you love most,
And the cool autumn leaves instead of snow.

Rims in the river water into a beast in the forest,
Become like everything I loved, or seam,
When a sad song on you Rogue birch.
[ ]
have to go away.
Footsteps coming without haste
Heavy autumn rawness of feeling on his shoulders.
The road iesnidzis pages.
Is it the end?
[ ]
Everyone has come at the end -
As the articles says - button casting.
And then what? Then weigh and Mary,
What gave him the Oscars.
Hey, cuckoo call oxalidosa ...

Apple trees in bloom.
Third day of apple blossoms.
The whole world piebērta dandelion fluff.
Vera closed the book,
Sil to leave:
There I Kukoo cuckoo.
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Page : 5

Poems /

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