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Poems /

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virtue to be complete, still need to be adjusted life everywhere is consistent with itself, but it can be achieved only with the knowledge and skills, get to know through which human and divine.

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quickly killed the family of a woman grieving. Always flourishes in the family where she is happy.
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meat for eating, but the girls - of getting married.
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It is better to honor old daughter than to discredit a new wife.
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Mother\'s heart never lies.
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If you want to set the value of a woman, put her in the hands of children.
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woman not patch that can be peeled off.
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Women and the guitar to be able to attune well.
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looking for a wife rather than dancing, but both work.
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Neizvēlies wife with eyes but with ears.
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Beautiful day praising the evening, a beautiful woman - in the morning.
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woman and a boiler - the older the better.
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woman sees the deep, man - far away.
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woman is not balalaika by paspēlējis can hang on the wall.
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If you want to be happy one day - purchased a lover, if you want to be happy for a year - surrounded by his wife, if you want to be happy all his life - build a garden.
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Poems /

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