Easter greetings
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Poems / Easter greetings

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Bernie stumbled and fallen
One foot struck the heavily
However, it is happy now
Live eggs, whole
to the sun and the moon shine for years,
As of today the way lighting
And a friend\'s voice in your ear to hear,
Hearts and lives with each other
Just talking about love
Early lens sun
Easter scroll
I adore walking in the same
To the green grass
old rabbit eye Bola,
His wife is sitting on eggs again.
Rabbits jumping around children
And the joy out loud hullabaloo.
Rooster chicken severe Raj
In order to lay the eggs that does not cease.
Out of the hens tyrannize,
Today bunny round lay.
chicken egg can be proud of:
Well I learned cepoties,
What to know dēdama,
I am also edible
Hare goes through the grass and smiling
Hall by pautiņiem bunny running around.
Grass is ended, the stones began
Without balls bunny came home.
rich Lieldiensvētki,
Large eggs wanted:
Three dieniņas, three naksniņas
Stealing fowl eggs.
Is it a duck, goose or ostrich,
They give us all the eggs.
Easter bake or boil them,
Do not forget to sift the salt
visited quite deep fields
Novirpoju two eggs.
Well Easter is splendid,
Egg war and victory!
hares is today a working day
stretch eggs in 100 and 1
They will be painted and battered
It all turned pale chicken
Vij lark nest from the sun,
And dawn Lapwing Vij their nest here.
Hares are started by evening
To the egg, paint and collect their baskets.
By small roots across the field naked
Easter comes and wants godparent HALT
This fun, who sat on swings and a cock
This joy, which is built up over the year.
Easter comes the long awaited message
The sky that looks makes for the construction,
What germ happy soul called to plant
And pūpolkokos sun gold draw.

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