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Poems / Axioms

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If you give you folks a lot of time, then going to achieve anything.
[ Axioms ]
befits this stupid sentimentality.
[ Axioms ]
Do not think about tomorrow. You can either get an inheritance of millions of dollars, or you run over a car. It may also happen that you receive the inheritance, and you run over then.
[ Axioms ]
loving man loses pride and thus the mind. It can help you fight enemies and subordinates.
[ Axioms ]
escaped nun always Keng his monastery.
[ Axioms ]
fools keep silent about smart, but a rich thief will be considered a gentleman.
[ Axioms ]
handful of success is more valuable than the wisdom of road.
[ Axioms ]
look for one, then you will find. But somehow or at the right time \'.
[ Axioms ]
storm prays, but the aire to the shore.
[ Axioms ]
flattery fourteen tellers lying.
[ Axioms ]
If there is no solution to the problem, looking for a woman (or man).
[ Axioms ]
difficult situation Treat facts as if they were even worse than you know. The good situation of the facts neliecies want to know.
[ Axioms ]
life as a whole is pretty. Quite to you would be rewarded, rather, to rule, and rather to steal. Unless you\'ll be the first.
[ Axioms ]
Any product of a difficult situation has side effects. Choose the one which has the least.
[ Axioms ]
Believe in the man, not his promises.
[ Axioms ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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