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Poems / Axioms

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Clever street lieutenant of the dirty work done by himself, satisfied or becomes aware of his subordinates.
[ Axioms ]
If you are made to bow, do it very, very deep and the bitter fact is memorized by the time you be able to take revenge.
[ Axioms ]
to a dark nail, is to shoot your countless times.
[ Axioms ]
not affect the problem, as long as it does not affect you.
[ Axioms ]
worked with what you know best. Often transplanted trees rarely bear fruit.
[ Axioms ]
not undermine the foreign affair, because it may happen that you reached a point where the same situation.
[ Axioms ]
good cheer in business in the first place. In the second and third!
[ Axioms ]
set its priorities. If you have to ūkstai crocodile swamp, the first task is to - drain the swamp!
[ Axioms ]
world she lives by: you told me - I will.
[ Axioms ]
It does not matter that you have thousands of friends, since it is sufficient if there is one enemy. And the enemy is not safe!
[ Axioms ]
Let your opponent is helping you. The only way he can do is let him deceive the instinct, so do not interrupt!
[ Axioms ]
If necessary, prepare complex plans, but give only a simple command.
[ Axioms ]
If you can not win, let the opponent to pay the price of his victory made unprofitable.
[ Axioms ]
Be correct with all the public with many, close to the elect, and with few friends.
[ Axioms ]
Fool is, who can not conceal his wisdom.
[ Axioms ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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