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Poems / Aphorisms

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people can not help him instead of doing what they themselves would be by force.
should not be aloud to express doubts, they may prove to be unjust.
most important principles should be flexible.
sometimes manage to fool all the people, but only for a short time, a longer period may fool of the people, but not all the time to fool all the people.
What in fermentation or torn, already can not be verified. You can only learn to talk about it beautifully. And again.
Like the almond tree age gives more fruit, and love becomes more reliable, because it is older.
Blind zeal can only bring harm.
our skills is growing, and in the end is likely that a person will be able to meet all, unconsciously becoming a thinking animal.
The laws of nature are beasts without tusks horns. What keeps surprising if similar happens padzīvpjušiem men and women?
One of the benefits of marriage is that obnoxious guests may be sent to his wife.
noise selects young people - drummer.
Sympathy - a tiny charity gift.
There are people who think that everything that is done with a serious facial expression, is reasonable.
Man loves company, even if it is a single burning candle company.
I believe that sick in bed may feel better than the first place at the king\'s table.

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