Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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What once find themselves, this world will no longer disappear.
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neslēpumainākā matter. The magnet attracts the same individuals sugest weight.
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Hope is a tired body and soul the best medicine and comfort.
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Peace and war begin.
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half-truths are of no value.
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sadness of the work will not grow.
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easier to understand men in general than someone people alone.
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True political wisdom, the first feature is the ability to waive previously inaccessible.
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friends are safe or pārlaicināties when our situation is not safe.
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romantic is nothing more dangerous than to come too close to her ideal.
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most intelligent human in the most recent notices that he behaves unseemly.
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If the cat and the dog suddenly become friends, that their friendship is nothing else in common union to cook.
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confidential information is almost always bad news.
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young man is what a woman can bless or to make unhappy. Mature - what can not bless. Old - the longer you can not bless, not to make unhappy.
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what love is absent, love is an eternal presence.
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Poems /

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