Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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There is no holiness, what money can not defame, and does not have the power, the money could not be overcome.
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What could be more stupid than to respect the people\'s meeting, each of which is individually despicable?
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fruit of service is the same service.
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fear and distress, we tend more to believe in miracles.
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nosaitēt purse should not be so hard to make a good effort it would not be able to unleash.
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Wisdom is always satisfied with what is, and never nepiktojas and myself.
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always leads to greed.
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can not love or that which you fear, nor the one that you fear.
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of our strength, the most losses in a turbulent youth, consequences, not years devastating effect. Unrestrained and lustful loving youth aging out-worn body.
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I\'ve never so busy as a leisure moments.
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The last day we will bring not destruction, but only change.
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first thought is fantasy, a fairy tale. Behind them comes a scientific calculation, and finally, the performance of crests thought.
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New ideas need support. Only a few have the courage, but it is very valuable to people\'s property.
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What is impossible today, it will be possible tomorrow.
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the highest achievement of the human spirit is always freedom. The freedom of the people, freedom of opinion, freedom of the things freedom just for yourself.
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Poems /

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