Children charity organisation
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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems /

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Someone who will always be new. And sometimes I think that the work of developing the particular hormones that increase the life impulses.
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name does wonders.
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Always forward, every step of preparing the next, all to give up what remains to be done.
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Only a woman whose love can cure ourselves of his own.
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Silence is poison to the heart.
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all important life events continue to operate in two basic instinct of our existence - and the love of self-preservation instinct.
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Even the truest recognition of women always have space in default.
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love with all my heart to forgive in advance means to all that love.
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Inactivity accelerates old age, work extended youth.
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That is our nature inherent vice - the invisible and the unknown hidden things caused us both more confidence and more fear.
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Things seem much larger than the distance around.
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Human life is short, but his fame may be eternal.
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Responsibilities for homeland relieved of any obligations, and it has its own vernacular interests of citizens to treat their parents with children reverence.
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Nature does not suffer loneliness.
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how difficult it would be our company to survive the accident without a friend, who is being felt more than we do!
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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