Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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man knows how to hate women - only feel disgust. The latter is much worse.
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Loneliness is possible only at an early age, when you are waiting vsi dreams, and old age - when you behind your back all the memories.
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man is not worthy of God.
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Life is portrayed for what it is, with all its nerimīgo fight against injustice. violence, exploitation and various forms of bias.
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Of all the
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happy people never friends. . . A happy person is very high, but our hearts are open only to the bottom.
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wonderful energy, powerful beams of countless discoveries relative blurring boundaries and emitted a great scientific work. Antiquity issued us their secrets, and the future provide us with your mighty arm upward.
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People are divided into two groups: those who condemn and those who create.
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moves such as cancer of the basket, and all doubts; somewhere tend not understand the nature of their joint efforts.
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Love wounds friendly participation is a true balsam.
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the jealous groom workmanship indifferent men.
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Love reconciles hot hearts, teach arrogant humility, but its main feature - all to build and bless.
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iedosiet me six lines written by the most honest man\'s hand, I find something that she will be able to hang.
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To control the country, need to talk less and listen more.
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Unusual Minds attaches great importance to ordinary and everyday things. Usually minds love and looking for unusual things.
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Poems /

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