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Poems /

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To make it easier to put to death, not to think of the pleasures of which you have to part with, but as a matter of concern, of which you shall be liberated - not a man who is covered like my life the way the second time.
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its shortcomings, it doubles as contrary to nature is spread over a virtue krāsekli and distort your character.
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Habit is a cruel tyrant, that which once mastered, no one has to be eradicated.
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Fortuna favors the brave.
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Blind vienacis country is king.
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Friends prayer - every step; friends Assistant - saukdams nesasauksi.
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nonsense leash. It also differs wise to be guided by reason, not emotions.
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Nest salvation of mankind, we can only come from good behavior, otherwise we trauksimies Weird comet-like, everywhere leaving behind the anxiety and death.
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happiness is the ability to accept his fate and condition.
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Shame, shame, slander and evil words harmful only to the extent they feel. Having these feelings does not, then all this is no evil. What about the fact that all the people you izsvilpj, unless you yourself applauding
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nonsense pretends correct at the time of great wisdom.
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sage has two tongues: one speaks the truth, the other said to the time and circumstances.
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stupidity is the only one that discourages otherwise hasty youth and sneaking away repels age.
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Nature does not like any falsification, and a lot better in making what is damaged is no art.
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How wonderful are the natural care of that, with such diversity, its grasp to establish the equality! Where is it meaner padalījusi their gifts, so there piemetusi a little more self-love.
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Poems /

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