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Poems /

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harassed Nothing more than love, without a clear objective: the roasting and discouraging forces such as fever. Conscious spirit of tense passion to an extreme, a man and iztvīkst, but knows, as a result suffered. All better than the emptiness.
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love living there, who loves, than that which loves. Love is just a high value of the lover. Clean everything is clean.
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Love really iepazīstama only after it has been subject to challenge.
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woman and money - two evils, but it is essentially the same.
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Happiness and love is just a minute illusion that makes the soul to drop the weapons and give up the fight.
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wife while husband sees the power she must be broken, and the weakness that protected her.
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can get along with those who speak another language, but not with those who are in the same words are placed in a completely different meaning.
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carefully selected melīgāka truth may be a lie.
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back down the piekāpsies at once - you will be considered generous. If piekāpsies of reflection - say that you are weak.
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He who lit the first fire, responsible for all fires.
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marriage to choose: do you want much controversy after long stretches of time or very often small.
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A good family is one in which husband and wife forget the days that are a favorite, but at night the couple.
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Do not talk to friends about his wife and never quite speak with his wife for his friends.
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find a man, who his birthplace, no matter how wild it would not stop damaging the best in the world?
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Who does not want to adjust the time and place, it excludes itself from the community.
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Poems /

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