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Poems /

Page : 4
Take note of spruce branches,
Cover the grave over them.
Darkness, darkness, darkness of the spirit
Aizmūžos encircle me.
[ ]
you my life as a ball of teens
Thinking and knowing
Or myself deny or confirm.

Comes first and last sleep,
Gone with the mother\'s advice:
If you live in, and then working the crowd.
[ ]
joy of life, all the land call
is hidden in the hope that will remain deep tracks
behind us and neizbeigsies life span
beneath the crown of heather, pine trees at the cemetery.
[ ]
you went over the rainbow bridge
everything around became distant and unfamiliar.
No longer feel the warm touch of hand,
how strange twilight forest rustles ...
[ ]
Sabirzis time
swarms of tiny snowflakes,
apsniegu white
hand to eternity will be affected.
[ ]
the departure o
[ ]
sandy ground loaf
or rings
or soul constellation plank?
[ ]
I dzisīšu -
but my song
sapņodama still roam,
the dragonfly in the sun
easy, easy to dance.
[ ]
Remember loved ones,
when your soul is quiet.
Aizšalkos sadness
disappear and the alien side.
[ ]
One by one, one by one
we follow the quiet
and right there -
the underground party ---
[ ]
When I go,
everything becomes strange and unfamiliar,
I will stay only in the sea, fields, forests.
[ ]
happiness: stay warm days,
dream sparks, enthusiastic strike.

Speak the words will remain,
nesakrauti wall Zarda.
[ ]
Sun apbirusi ashes
I\'m leaving a black hummocks -

When šķiršos,
migratory birds clamor.
Atgulšos Mela heath
and aizmigšu
gentle memories.

I\'m leaving -
I\'m going
In the future ---
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Page : 4

Poems /

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