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youthful years of lonely dreams, with its ingenuity, is cast living reality, then there are two probabilities: either he reacts to it and strengthen the soul by faith or tradition, or he with all his senses become attached to it, apreibst and lose ground.
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generosity will never diminish wealth.
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Because people are more sad, the less he can survive, so he is better and labsirdīgāks.
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living world evolution is moving from lower to higher degrees of freedom. That is the essence of evolution of life forms. The highest level is the most freedom.
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Anyone who wants to get his life of sweet fruit tree jādēsta their fortune for himself.
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Love invented the XI century troubadour.
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God does not look at their cards, but everyone can see how he was confused.
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The truth is always more demand than supply.
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All truths are suitable for prompt, but not all are fit to be heard.
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It was then that we are living in the doubt.
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world consists of black and white, but rather from the black and gray.
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our most holy duty to this earth to love and protect, so that she would forever remain free and the Latvian land.
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If a person has a clear conscience and his joy at all, then the farmer as vulgar, it will feel for some good Lielmanis happier.
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. . . ground work nevaid disdain, as well as same-sex human ancestor Adam once walked after the plow and scythe bouncing.
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dangerous than a pistol.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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