Children charity organisation
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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems /

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Some speak until they hit something to say.
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If someone tells you idiotic joke, laugh! Otherwise he will assume that you do not understand, and will talk again.
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Some people are increasingly looking for such gaps in their coming, as if they had some hidden treasures.
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Youth is a time when people do not know their future and do not know how to count time (this skill causes people to become obsolete more quickly than the skill of counting money).
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potboiler is deliberate. This is a deliberate use of art for the purposes of survival.
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potboiler unlike the real work has the advantage that it leaves the brain is relatively unpolluted.
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PERT man can have an honest, intelligent, nice person. The average woman is almost always psychological debauchery killed. It\'s all written on his forehead, and gradually fill their baseness; basely words, thoughts, actions - all t
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Age - reasonableness, liberation from the passions and delusions.
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Happiness - when do not ask \"why?\".
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When the people do not want to read their poems, so they awarded honors.
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Only a few of those afflicted by cough, go to the doctor, the other attends the theater.
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play better than empty chairs empty people.
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gentleman is a man who a woman is able to describe the hands-free.
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false arguments to fight the best, if undisturbed to allow them to present.
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then judged the fairness of his trial, charity to help people to return to brotherly people.
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Poems /

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