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Poems /

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I respect only those who are struggling with me, but I do not think they suffer.
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Ten Commandments are so brief, clear and understandable because they are spelled advisory and expert assistance.
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for women and the age of the music they ought not to speak.
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Honest man, married and brought up a lot of children, giving a thousand times more beneficial than the one who decided to stay a bachelor, and they will not know how to gossip about the future of mankind.
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Magnus fame do not expect it to never fall, but the one that always fell down was on its feet.
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old man young woman, her husband still alive, wonder who they wipe away tears.
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Fantasy monsters without reasonable cause, and together with it becomes an artistic mother and a source of wonder.
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A woman can be everything, if she is beautiful, if her name not be ashamed, and when her strength is the clarity of mind.
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Youth is happy because it is the future.
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matter how stupid are foolish words, but sometimes they can create confusion for smart people.
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Women often ask not to do it by themselves and eager to insist.
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wife\'s soul - a defensive talisman, which saves a man from a vicious disease, which is the force that keeps the straight road, and the attendant, who returns from the serpentine, but - his wife\'s soul can also be evil to destroy his life.
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first seeking the key to your heart: if you find, the same will be able to unlock the hearts of others.
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Everyone call your play honestly and conscientiously.
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Russian man is implacable, dangerous enemy, without which he would be a giant. This enemy is laziness.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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