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Poems /

Page : 6
There remain all that lost, the obtained
Me trampled by the passer-by,
But life turns distant and so close,
And ale, and moans as ērģeļpamina.
[ ]
white snow, cold been presented in a
Sanieg my yard.
Bright stars, cold stars
High sky in the distance.
White snow, distant stars -
We stayed close by.
[ ]
really can not express
so much love, so much feeling?
Mother, mother, and I want
you to be my song.
[ ]
winter evenings, even at night,
Who am I dream in ter
[ ]
Oh, dear mother, it must be endured,
Although the pain comes and pushing up to the hilt;
Former Life - Fight, dream nepevīla.
Nothing is eternal. Only a mother\'s love.
[ ]
Where to stay in our work?
Do they live up to years?
Years go as days,
Time runs out and ends life
Narrow raucas the space itself -
Only our good deeds
Remain in second life.
[ ]
I dwell in the hall, I\'ll stay in dew,
Maybe I\'ll stay in the wind,
But always on the ground,
But there is always the people
I need to need to be.
[ ]
bird, I will dwell in the song,
I will stay maybe a threat,
But always on the ground,
But always between people
I need to need to be

I will stay dawn, I\'ll stay set,
I will stay a day maybe,
But always on the ground,
But always between people
I need to need to be.
[ ]
maple, ash, I\'ll stay,
I will stay maybe birch,
But always on the ground,
But always between people
I need to need to be.
[ ]
I will dwell in the house, I will dwell in thought
I will stay maybe a son,
But always on the ground,
But always between people
I need to need to be.
[ ]
And so to believe and hope
Before the friends separated for eternity,
And a moment of eternity in the scope of
In life - moments of eternity!
[ ]
you, the land belongs to the weakness and strength,
With sweat Surm in las on the forehead,
With a love that gives meaning to life,
With the last glow of my way tell the story.
[ ]
Peace to you, who now lives in the shower,
Your peace to remain undisturbed!
To forever birch white, silent
Stay in your great and holy span
[ ]
The stronger the death of all living love,
What you will spend the night in the dark.
[ ]
cracks, splits the clay jug,
Mother\'s mug to his lips by the corpse.
In another, alien in the sun
Mild arm spent tic.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 6

Poems /

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