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Poems /

Page : 5
Adieu, adieu, zeltrasainā cornfield,
Mower arm became weary.
[ ]
cemetery silence, at the confluence of the cemetery;
Opens its doors in a dream the night JŪSMA sad.
[ ]
SERIES o\'clock the wind rustling
His voice is as sweet and quiet:
- Ziedējis in the spring,
autumn frost comes the stomach.
[ ]
pale, cool chrysanthemum
Cover what the soul faint
Hid himself deep, quiet ...
Sweet quietude! - Sweet quietude! -
[ ]
Hearts those that covers the grave pliens,
To love, know how to forgive, as no one else.
[ ]
I thee entrance area,
I\'m your tiny flower.
Well its eternal rhythm
Put up with swing
[ ]
hushed life in the garden
Silently into our steps.
And to those loved
Heart of past talks.
[ ]
Hushed life in the garden
The love we put
Pink flowers resting place
Those which meet anyone in life.
[ ]
Hushed life in the garden
Shine a light delicate flower,
Giving his quiet peace
Pain tear on the cheek.
[ ]
is the most sacred name of mother,
whom life is jāiznēsā.
The most favorite is the mother\'s name,
What atdus heart of the earth cool.
[ ]
one by one and one after another
we go to stayed in this country.
Your job had a tough, just like your life,
Your work had great stars like you.
It protects life as a grain soil compaction.
[ ]
Blow, wind, propelling the boat -
An old folk song hurts.
Lift me, Bring me,
Neba life futile act.

Cover the warm seģenīti,
Surrounded by a quiet, cool sand.
For more fall victim to the silent
My eyes caress warm.

Blow, wind, propelling the boat -
An old folk song hurts.
I must say casts out
Neba life futile act.
[ ]
As the apple tree, with branches of the gravity load, you stuck to his Daugava. Come spring, it will come much more And bless the grave mounds.
[ ]
I\'m afraid of the sun, the nesatumst,
I\'m afraid of the sun, I am afraid for us.
The sun rising from the sea and sinking into the sea,
A man leaves, another site is born.
[ ]
What remains even after all that,
that was -
Does the rain cloud that will move neizlijis?
Saddened soul still all so alive
and nesadzijis
As the eternal question:
And what\'s all been?
Yes, that\'s been?
Work and fun moments of rare
More dreams, imagination and midnight silhouettes -
As the fabric of unfinished
which lack some more sketches ...
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Page : 5

Poems /

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