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Poems /

Page : 4
still remember the laughter sparkling
And impish eyes, that shed light everywhere,
And your voice, the words written.
What you knew the power of will. .
[ ]
Dusia, my friend, under ABELITES -
Them, you never knew
Your sight, I carried the softness,
From my loneliness away driver.
Why death came up with lead?

Better coverage, my friend, your soul wreath
Apple roots so loud quiet.
Following the life of innocent
You gentle shower.
[ ]
given by the Spirit, never winds strewn!
It stays even when the high comes the pain lead to peace.
[ ]
on earth are all the guests,
But happy people keep a memory.
[ ]
What to say? How do you celebrate?
Oh, big names are not present grief,
from the final resting can not wake up!
Heart - the work of flaming droplets finery -
now peace scout.
[ ]
So suddenly the flame has gone out in a clear,
No longer friends not hearing the voice of thy gracious.
You go, poet, - remain in your song,
What will not forget the people\'s heart.
[ ]
delicate birch, the leaves across the classroom,
Where the source of cool, which met the need of thirst
And the soul of pure pain scale?
It is immortality. Her flooding the clear
You become calm and free atveldzēts
And air flair that you\'re never alive.
[ ]
you chest still glowed
So much for a long
And a bright hope.
One by one,
You have lost her -
One after the other ...
Slowly - but disappeared,
Returns you all!

One by one,
You extinguished stars,
Slowly you dzisi
It goes to them.

Extinguished lives -
But your soul
Died beautiful - it is thine to.
[ ]
I know - dead
I know - lying ...
And yet I feel:
Everything will be different.
Your gentle eyes,
Your quiet voice.
Or it can occur
That everything has an end?
Or go, or come from,
Or ... evening or morning -
You everywhere with me,
You are always with me.
[ ]
will come in the silence
Soul dusumā -
Life of pollen.
Land of the continuity of policy,
Perhaps even more iedīgšu
Bleed green rust.

Blessing, memorial,
Remember, bless
Dying sunset hours.
Life in the closing
Eternity opens
Dial-up Junda past.
[ ]
And now you never, ever Dusia,
Is the gate without saying quietly:

\"Do not disturb my peace,
Already there eternal breath resonates,
And, touching my forehead cool,
Night wings over the dark stretches.

I dēstiet lilies and roses,
To nedzīvotais dream blossoms!
I had a heart full sun Goze,
This spirit is the death of sleep leads \"...

And we will come and go quietly,
To you - still bloom - Better coverage under the flowers.
[ ]
leaving šalkoju I like a song,
Which the land had a lovely flower and star!
I am leaving to the decks, a gentle flame,
Over to you by the heart loved the last sunset
[ ]
Life - shooting star,
Deity atmirdzums short.
Switching off at mortal views,
Heart we have three rays.
[ ]
I dēstāt dark red roses
To the grave, when there\'ll be peace has landed,
To me there\'s beauty dream come true,
What alarms nepagūšu life.
[ ]
My way is up, mother! Mother Night!
I have in front of the abyss, with footbridges Nava,
Take your child in your lap again, -
All sore come back to you, Mother Night
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 4

Poems /

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