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Poems /

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Like an echo
own sound,
but the shadow - the nature,
as well as posts
surely will be done
[ ]
My doctrine is pure,
and it does not differentiate between men of noble birth from the ignorant,
from the rich to the poor. My lesson
is like water, which cleanses all without distinction.
My teaching is a fire that burns
everything between heaven and earth,
whether it is big or small. My lesson
is like the sky, because it is a space
the place is for all - men and
women, boys and girls,
mighty and the common people.
[ ]
Blessed said:
[ ]
When the Buddha preached Savathi near his school on the transformation of the world, came to him a very rich man who was struck by a number of accidents. The man clapped his hands and said, \"worshipable Buddha, forgive me for the lack of reverence, do not greet you as I should, but I suffer from obesity, somnolence, and other diseases, and I could not move without pain. \"
[ ]
Ananda, there was a tear,
Blessed said:
\"What we teach, when you\'re away?\"
Blessed said:
\"I am not the first Buddha,
who has come to earth, and will not see me later.
When the time comes another shed -
holy, illuminated, endowed with wisdom
and skills, positive, familiar with the universe,
incomparable leader of people,
angels and mortal teacher. He will
will be opened by the same eternal truth, I have you
taught. He preached religion - its a great
source and powerful in its objective, spirit and name.
He proclaimed faith in life, a complete
and pure, as I now preach. \"
Ananda said: \"How do we know him?\"
Blessed and said: \"He will know as Maitreya,
which means - \"the one whose name is kindness.\" \"
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