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Poems /

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What is true love, it knows only ugly women - beautiful defied so as to seduce.
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always be better than the winner, but neveiksminiekam, a victim of injustice. That\'s because I\'ve always felt as neveiksminiece. Always, all his career.
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success is the same as that achieved by a round anniversary and see that you have not changed. Success makes me live so that I would be worthy of this success. And, if you are lucky, they survive.
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I\'ve always been enough with what I had, and just as I have made a secret squirrel acorns. Sometimes the acorn was more, sometimes less. But there has never been in such a way that I would not be any left tit.
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expect the unexpected, it will not find a well hidden and hard to find.
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Eyes and ears are bad witnesses with Barbara soul.
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health pleasant.
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day the night life - at the end.
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Let go each their own way, then maybe some good will come in somewhere.
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People do not have the happy, if he is excited, full of happiness and calm sea in summer stillness.
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Who has been able to survive, to find the strength to remember.
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expensive happiness, then look for an early death: long-term happiness is not, nor is infusible ice.
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can feel everyone who is familiar with the tack that by succumbing to the waves and swaying them, however, flying in his direction.
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Develop-minded human egoism is noble, it is his love of science, the arts, to the next, against science, the arts, to the next, the expanses of life and independence. Narrow-minded savages love - the supreme selfishness.
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slave has the least selfishness.
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Poems /

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