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Poems /

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Hollywood is kind of heroism.
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The world is nothing more difficult to write simple, straightforward prose of the people.
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pain and time can drown in vodka, drowning them up yourself with everything that is around, can swamp the job.
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Happiness is good health and a bad memory.
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GIB others like it just a bit to open Max.
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whole life passed a lie, need to be able to die with them.
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Each wall painting becomes beautiful when it\'s already faded and starting to peel off.
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you can hope for female friendship, her first jāiemīlas.
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Friendship between a man and a woman is not a significant desire for the future, although such a friendship can be quite pleasant, while not turned into something larger or smaller, but the friendship with a woman no ambition for the future.
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not lonely people on the survivor of a loved one.
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Love is love just because it gives one.
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love, there is a desire to do something love for me. Tempting to sacrifice themselves. The desire to serve.
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Sometimes a man has to be one, the woman wants to be one, and if both love each other, there is jealousy.
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The aging man does not become wiser, he just gets more cautious.
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takes two years to learn to speak, fifty - to learn to keep quiet.
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Poems /

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