Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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People change and forget to tell others. This is bad, because deceiving others.
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Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.
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difficult to maintain good manners.
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life all begins with hope and ends with the habit.
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My mother died five years earlier than I realized that they really love.
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fear that you may make mistakes, not to deter us from the search for truth.
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stunned enough one minute, to make amazing things that take many years.
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Wisdom is a key tips, fate - the events.
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Law rightly or wrongly measured with more or less well-being of the people.
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Love for the motherland is compatible with love to the whole world.
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Very difficult to extol what is worthy of praise.
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those who are accustomed to argue in public places, but rather to manage the art of expressing thoughts, rather than finding a way to the truth.
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some knowledge of the principles of effortless replace some factual ignorance.
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wise ministers seldom chooses talented people position at: ROS they consider to be too recalcitrant and insufficient passionate admirers.
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Only the great passions can give birth to a great people.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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