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Poems /

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film has a life of boredom stains are removed.
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Films length of the normal viewer bladder strength.
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happy marriage - a marriage in which husband understands every word his wife is not expressed.
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Love is like a bridge party, which deceived everyone: men - to win women - to lose.
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I\'m not against the police, I just am afraid of Them.
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I\'ve always said that a woman should be like a good horror film: the more space is left for imagination, the better.
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Sweat is the tears.
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Continued success requires only a fearful coward.
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sleep reduces the suffering, the disease is not fatal.
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Marriage is like a fever: starts with heat and ends with a freeze.
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Elderly people suffering from less than new, but their disease just go along with life.
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heart lies just as much a lie as a star in the sky.
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to disseminate and raise a. . . a complete personality, nothing is more relevant writings of prominent style and manner, that too neattālina of life and seprasa nenogurstošupiepūli and the study of oneself, to be understood, the investigator will return to the work of other people, full of noble feeling and form an idea, which will be useful throughout life at the moment.
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If someone believes lead to the absurd, then certainly it is wrong, but we can no doubt as to whether a belief is false because it has dangerous consequences.
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most pleasant and unobtrusive way of life is through science and education in the alley, and the one who is able to remove any obstacles to this path, or even cut a new trail, this can be described as a benefactor of mankind.
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Poems /

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