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Poems /

Page : 4
land - blue.
Sky - green. Bizarre.
Blossoming rye clouds.
And the sun sarkst furrow.
August grain strength.
With roots growing
The star party.
Sower and die.
Bird Road is shining ploughshare.
[ ]
And ever he comes.
How conscience -
On earth is coming.
Pa\'s Field
There -
[ ]
And once the door to the tomb I will have opened its cool dark,
Then his lips whisper even as the last word:
\"To the land now lying in my lap Gourde bones -
I am a white ground advanced by the sun. \"
[ ]
Hey, call the house of God series:
Your travel pašķīrējs are divorced,
Forever forever proam Irie.
[ ]
lit candles, casket stands crowned ...
All dream! ...
Cup joy, sorrow empty ...

Is your life\'s work is finished? ...
Heart trembling in pain.
On the last morning dawned early.
[ ]
mother Veli, Veli mother,
Oh, how harsh, harsh you:
Pajem one pajem other -
Yellow heart with pity!
[ ]
heard a message mourning -
Did not want to believe in mind:
Or indeed, a friend, you also
As early as the fathers gather?

Will become either mute your lips,
Dzisis warm, familiar sight.
Your mind will smile,
Heart you will stay the same.
[ ]
And nearer, nearer Mello boat came ...
And acutely, acutely pain teaches you ...
Darkness over the land began to rend the wings.
[ ]
Instead they go one after another.
What am leading here we lived.
What is the spirit we were close,
Sweet moments spent,
Which hand warmly clasps,
In my heart, see LavaMus ...
[ ]
Spirit can not remain in the grave,
He never, ever alive
As the light aircraft Ares
Neaizturams flowing freely.
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Page : 4

Poems /

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