Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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For God\'s peace to you, the light sensitive soul!
To handfuls of sand-colored sun falls across viegliņām
Over the flesh, over the long container of dish that not retain.
Your fatherland to take long for a new uzziedināt.
[ ]
izdziestošās flame around the pointed tongue
Night thickens, night sucked intensely pink,
As needles aizklīst dvesiens frantic.
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the surplus?
Or will that neiznīks?
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Izsmaržoja tree branch candle.
Smart star in the sky go into the depths.
Salt west sarkanēji clotting
Vakarīgo clouds into the seam.
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My sister camp, my polārnakts friend
Crying in Riga watches over you.
You cleaned up the yard, and sown your field,
Your destiny had lavish.
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BITĪTE flower, so you rosījies,
Its rich soul skied.
Those young that leads to eternity,
You root for, they are flowers.
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Daugava pierimst to klususmu called,
When you go to eternal freedom.
Had much to do, and suffering a lot ...
Thank you for your life.
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are lost all that thinking, construct and do -
What will give you new hope?
Viz green birch sunlight,
Who knows where last year\'s snow!
[ ]
The day had to go away,
Even the sun made the waters
As the dew drops spoguļoties
Under your eyelids.
[ ]
Go ... When the sun is still high - birds in the path
sparkles over his head;
just disappeared behind the birches, - in the heart of me come back.
[ ]
to the main star - unknown
Yet thy light goes and goes ...
[ ]
horseshoes time dun
Return to the sacred boon.
Occupied by the stigma itself,
Will take off in late autumn guns.
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Tremor slender thread to the pain -
All done, no further go.
Fastened to the eye ran
Standing nosarmojis bee god.
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Stars ice wing striking characters:
\"There is no end of life, the bear. \"
And you, who are mortal teicies,
Take your words back ...
[ ]
must visit. It remains an image -
Atpulgs deep green glass.
I do not need anything - a late,
And all the doors open.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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