Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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Fool fail because of the complex he seems simple, but clever, because he had the simple complicated.
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Envy is a truer way of flattery.
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woman can prove that she was not true, but it is impossible to convince him of it.
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most secret loves those who are unable to retain them.
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Applause is mind spurs a great pool of people and aim - the weak.
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Visnejaukākais creature as far as can be, it is - a little \"big\" man.
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Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends with friendship.
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If you want to get enemies that are superior to others, but if you want to make friends, allow yourself to beat.
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strīdēsies religion, written about in books, will fight and will be returned to life on it, but not live it, as religion teaches.
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People may be forced to comply, but can not be forced to understand - why.
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State in which the procedures are brave, be brave in action and speech. Country where there is no order, are the courageous action of the cups careful language.
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Blessed is he who knows nothing: he not risk to be misunderstood.
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What is not self-focus or passion for something, it saw not see, and hear the inaudible tasted distinguish taste.
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Only this is a mistake that is irreversible.
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learn and not think - sapīsies. If domāsi and will not be pursuing - fall into doubt.
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Poems /

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