Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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to only part of your joy may be to serve people, then you will not need other pleasures.
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The world is large enough to meet the needs of one person, but too small to satisfy people\'s greed.
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Masculinity is not of posturing, or bravūrības valdonības. Its essence - the ability to venture far to take action and face to face to face with the consequences, regardless of whether they are social, political or any other consequences. Masculinity includes our work, not words.
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Take care of the means and the goal itself will take care of yourself.
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Freedom itself is negligent if it does not include the freedom of making mistakes.
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civilization in the proper sense not to include the need for reproduction, but a free and well-considered limiting in your account.
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I do not think that men are more liberal than women.
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martyr\'s death is not the end, but this is just the beginning.
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History is the best teacher, who has visslielākie students.
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hand clenched into a fist, hand-shake is not possible.
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Whoever scores the first hit twice.
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There are only two kinds of men: those who are afraid of their wives, and those that hide the fear of them. It is a rule without exceptions!
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Women and wise not to take part in the daily rush.
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Pārliecinošliecība sense - good behavior.
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Poems /

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