Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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There are those with the ability to very poor yourself in a warm place so only to gain that power in front of standing on its hind legs.
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How many times do not touch the big thieves, but were caught in small chains and causes
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Marriage is more than love. At the main thing is respect. Just do not confuse it with worship.
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love one person all your life - it is a privilege, and no matter if you have to pay for the infinitely long patience.
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life each made his own mistakes.
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This is definitely insignificant. Why it is so very interesting.
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fail to see why the best women interested in the worst of men.
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Death creates a bias founded insights - in favor of the dead.
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Good reputation - Knave most important need.
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Each of the two co-authors are convinced That he HAD to do all the work, but the Receive only half the royalties.
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Who can say where the dividing line between failed and happy life?
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good people are just as dangerous as a soothe wild beasts.
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sermons seldom convinces people.
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Prince laziness makes them dependent on their ministers.
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boaster is rarely a brave, brave but rarely boastful.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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