Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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just what you know better than him. Then it may happen that his advice is useful.
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A woman has to look so smart, that stupidity should be a pleasant surprise.
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How lovely it is when she forgets that there is a well brought up!
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not reflected in the eyes of her thoughts, and senses.
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Approaching a time When gold aunādu commission golden calf!
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empty head can fit a lot of knowledge.
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my mind and other people always overestimate revenues.
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If people have no idea with whom to exchange, they play cards.
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life, just like in the fairy tale East of the ass, you can ride the kustons to keep a leash or carry on your back - every time will be people who will consider your behavior to be wrong, or the criticisms uzbāzīsies of advice.
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threat is a sign of powerlessness.
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Where the organizers over the work and take each joint of Tarbes, there will soon be empty this Tarba.
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a more powerful, will always in a weaker and weaker guilty.
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It always seem counter intuitive: that he does not understand, this is nonsense.
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There\'s a long speech is bad, where early strength is used.
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That flattery can harm, everyone knows it, but it gives, if toady still find place in the hearts
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Poems /

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