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Poems /

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solve puzzles become platitudes.
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People are not angels, created solely from the light, but they are not animals, who jādzen pen.
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created man for happiness as a bird\'s eye view.
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Violence feeds on obedience as a fire of straw.
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- In this world, - said the old man, - there are two things that will never return: spent the money and fled his wife, fed up with their husbands.
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. . . and the prince suffered, because the heart is evil plague.
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Both war and the wedding march called the fight.
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work is much more entertaining than entertainment.
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TV meant for it to perform, rather than to view it.
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If you will ask what is more relevant - the sun or the moon? - Replies: the moon.
Because the sun is shining on the day it is also bright, but the moon - at night.
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What to tell others about you if you alone can not say anything?
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Death, therefore, ordered the end of life, so it would be better prepared.
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Do you not knowing the laws of Iroquois language, can express the language of the judgments, which would not be unreasonable and foolish?
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love die because of a few people, but how many of them live
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birds, too, when imprisoned in a gold cage, Feeble and nonīkst, and also some good flower, transferred and planted in another, the best place nķuļo and eventually wither.
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Poems /

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