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Poems /

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Unexpected comes news
It not refer anymore, no:
Go to our māmuliņa
Sand. Irdnē. Homeland.
[ ]
not go there anymore can not change,
nothing can be decided differently:
this place, which is all you gave,
Once you take the right at all.
[ ]
greens, quiet, dark
Love life and live;
greens, the silence of the dark
I pārnākšu again tomorrow;

greens, the silence of the dark
does not affect the name, not a curse;
greens, the silence of the dark
Eternity is filled.
[ ]
What we have been able to, what we sown, -
away are going up - neredzējuši.
[ ]
fragile shoulders - the heaviest cross.
Cranes cry of entertainment not disappear.
[ ]
Views sky
early sārtojam.
Remain in the path where I live -
[ ]
noskaudis had lived by nenoskaudis,
not set any song in vain:
from eternity to come all the nations people
for eternity it all goes away.

Nothing, nothing in this world, we suffer from lack of,
if many hands nesargātu us;
and all easy enough sand blanket
and sod, which will be green forever!
[ ]
And the sound of silence day.
Do you hear it you had?

As the black bees sanējums
gumst us across the sky.
[ ]
long day given to us!
For a quick evening darken.
[ ]
sound - CLOSING, echoes of the grove, birch shade
dew drops BIRS; Tales cuckoo again nokūkos;
it then it.
[ ]
Dziest colors, there have been quiet tune.
Too little, too little is found in all!
[ ]
This life - as a dream of life was.
I want to once again aizsapņoties it.
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Nothing is forgotten
at dawn, not to bark
but does not enter into the stream,
where a boat is sinking.

And this is not possible -
cause death instead of life
and outgoing bring over what is born.
[ ]
I\'m sorry, life, forgive
what is placed in the wind -
lime track to donate
span was beautiful!
[ ]
Floss life - the thoughts and feelings
Works in which the heart had to burn ---
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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