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Poems / Ana

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- What\'s longer than an elephant trunk?
- Punk. . .
[ Ana ]
Dog monologue:
\"When I worry, I perspire. When I sweat, I stink. When I suck, I wash. When I wash them, I\'m worried ... \"
[ Ana ]
Wild Animals decides to build a prison. Leo, as importantly, all the same izrīko and sits quietly on a stump and his aizpīpē Belomor Kanal. Hedgehog arrives and asks the king of beasts: \"Leo, and what do I do?\"
Leo looks at the small pet and say, \"you work at a later date! You\'d punishment cell toilet paper!\"
[ Ana ]
managed to ride two swallows:
- The time things will be. . .
- Why do you think so?
- Somehow, people have started to look at us.
[ Ana ]
two flies on dung heaps. Suddenly, one \"runs the gas.\" The other says: \"As you have no shame, I eat here!\"
[ Ana ]
Announcement: Lost in a very clever wolf-dog. Rex, if you read this announcement, please uzzvani home, we are concerned!
[ Ana ]
bunny in the woods and meets a fox, says: \"Hi old, want to get a wink?\"
Fox offended go to the police to complain.
Police officer the next day go to the bunny and says: \"The talk through the flowers\"
Hare, the next time you meet a fox and says, \"Hi old chrysanthemum, want to get blue anemones?\"
[ Ana ]
Flying sheep through the ocean. Couples flying seagull and she yells:
- Hey yo, the sheep, where do you swim?
- To Africa.
- Sheep remain sheep. Africa is surely on the other side!
- Some I do not care! I just nedavilkšu.
[ Ana ]
- Why do bulldogs have flat Purne? - Because they are so stupid that chasing parked cars.
[ Ana ]
Pooh Little Pigs get the honey pot. Pooh says: - Little Pigs, aizteci the spoons, in the meantime I pasargāšu expensive tile. Pigglet drift by. After a while atskrien and see that Pooh sleeping blabus empty pot, and Pigglet requires either: - Pooh, Pooh ei, where is it honey i left? Answer: - Atšujies, ugly pig, you see that I have a bad thing?
[ Ana ]
Lido bat. Fly, fly. Suddenly, bah! against the wall. - Well, you know, with this stuff either player once did I kill you.
[ Ana ]
Vista requires rooster:
- Tell me if you\'re a man or not?
- Man. Do not have doubts?
- Well, how can I say, eggs so to me.
[ Ana ]
March. On the opposite roofs seated cat and cat. The cat is called:
- I\'m ready for you because our lives!
Cat, sly:
- How many times ...???
[ Ana ]
talking two zoologists:
- I heard that Australia had crossed kangaroo and koala!
- Really?! And how?
- Well, no. . . died after poor oath as asleep during the jump.
[ Ana ]
Mouse returns to the cave - all scratched, torn ear:
- And who still do not believe that black cats bring misfortune?
[ Ana ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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