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Poems / Dispute

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like arguing with a risky, with a superior - frenzy, with the lowest - humiliating.
[ Dispute ]
Fight nourishes itself more and released it in too deeply involved in it. It is easier to refrain from the dispute, rather than later to pass.
[ Dispute ]
old saying goes, looking for that tired dispute, the same can be said of hunger or thirst jaded, or any bitterness full of people. . . . . Ailments strike any soul a trifle annoyed.
[ Dispute ]
dispute - the lowest quality of the conversation.
[ Dispute ]
it does not reveal the nature of the superiority of the peaceful behavior of the dispute, from which it is impossible to avoid.
[ Dispute ]
of the two parties to the dispute have the right to be the first silent.
[ Dispute ]
dispute in its embryonic state is similar to the stream which breaks through the dam, just so izlauzusies, it becomes unstoppable. . . . . Human control to initiate the dispute, but not in his power to stop it, not every izlauzušos can smother flames with water.
[ Dispute ]
Try not to dispute your words be soft, but strong arguments! Try not to upset an opponent, but to convince
[ Dispute ]
I\'ve always tried to neiekaist dispute and make concessions, so as to achieve peace. Later, when the peace, getting settled things for themselves. Almost always regretted that the dispute has been interrupted in its origins.
[ Dispute ]

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