constantly give children a prize is not good. That way, they become selfish, as a consequence of mercantile thinking. Saturiņicīts>
Nurturing is an art that is perfected when changing the use of generation after generation. Saturiņicīts>
is not trained in cultural human skills. Saturiņicīts>
I becoms me only through education. He is about to set up Their upbringing. Saturiņicīts>
If you want to lay the foundations of moral sentiments, should not be punished. Virtue is something so holy and sublime level that it should not humiliate and put the same level of discipline. Saturiņicīts>
upbringing lies the great secret of perfection of human nature. Saturiņicīts>
instructional art ruled reads as follows: children are brought up not to the present, but the future is likely to better the situation of human race. Saturiņicīts>
children always have to be busy. This is very useful, because not only did not discourage, but to do it, to always have something to do. Saturiņicīts>
only the person is stable and imperturbable, which absorbed his life origins. Saturiņicīts>
There are children who are endowed with a sharp mind and curiosity, but wild and stubborn. These are usually hates school and is always considered to be bad, but they usually appear great people, if only they are brought up in an appropriate manner. Saturiņicīts>
There is nothing more difficult to re-educate the ill-mannered people. Saturiņicīts>
young people will constantly have to refresh the memory of the golden rule: anything superfluous! Everywhere to be protected from showing any and disgust. Saturiņicīts>
great people helps me to see themselve the right to live there, but does not teach people to see themselve poor. Nefarious person doing the contrary. Saturiņicīts>
All that is achieved by dresēšanas, coercion and violence, help is not fixed, it is wrong and unsafe. Saturiņicīts>
punish children for offenses which they have committed, or are severely punished for minor offenses - means losing all their trust and respect. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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