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Poems / Virtue

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a virtue, but of morality people have money and all the other goodies as personal, and public spheres.
[ Virtue ]
Trying to save yourself is the first and only foundation of virtue.
[ Virtue ]
and gives pleasure, do not do evil, not for yourself, not others here, I think, lies the essence of virtue.
[ Virtue ]
Virtue is not the absence of passion, and power over them.
[ Virtue ]
Virtue are not characterized by the ability to refrain from sin, but as a dislike of sin.
[ Virtue ]
truly virtuous man is only when he followed his sirdsbalsij helping any living being who he is able to help, and to abstain from it to cause harm to the living.
[ Virtue ]
human life can be immoral, but it just means that it requires a moral basis.
[ Virtue ]
of enforcement is a necessary condition for moral perfection.
[ Virtue ]
human truth degree is an indication of his moral perfection level.
[ Virtue ]
should not be too virtuous, those you are risking becoming a victim of self-deception. Your goal should be higher than morals. There should be not just good, but a good while as a result.
[ Virtue ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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