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Poems / Lie

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neticamāki lie, the more ready to believe them.
[ Lie ]
Even if a lie is not detrimental to anyone, they can not be regarded as innocent. They do not care is a serious breach of duty against himself, even unforgivable offense in violating our own human dignity.
[ Lie ]
Lies a human as a general contempt matter, as a tool to subtract the self-esteem and confidence, which all have felt the same towards you.
[ Lie ]
People could not live in society if they nekrāptu each other.
[ Lie ]
The most dangerous lie - a slightly distorted truth.
[ Lie ]
Lie constant companion - finesse.
[ Lie ]
Lies always waves as a snake, it is never straight, whether either crawling, or is stationary, only after his death, it is straight and genuine.
[ Lie ]
Melīgums - zemiskākais vice.
[ Lie ]
little we know and the bad, we learn: This is why we also have to lie.
[ Lie ]
righteous man will eventually come to the realization that he is constantly lying.
[ Lie ]
him who wants to be completely straight, even a lie becomes the humanity.
[ Lie ]
He who lie, unaware of future difficulties, because he will have twenty times jāsamelo to support the original lie.
[ Lie ]
plague even the honest forces lie.
[ Lie ]
lie to himself his own behalf - trick, lie in favor of another - fake, lie, to the detriment - calumny, it is the worst type of lies.
[ Lie ]
Lies are like a substantial impact, even if the wound aizvilksies - the scar will remain.
[ Lie ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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