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Poems / Pleasure

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And so I created a view that nothing human is better than when he pleased, being involved in their activities ROSME.
. . . joy significant feature is that it is a never-ending and do not turn your contrast.
Whoever does good to others, even greater benefits to doing for yourself, not in the sense that he shall be entitled to a prize, but the fact that the very consciousness that made from good work for myself the great pleasure.
. . . without which nothing is pleasant - a sense of security.
first thing you need to do. . . : Learn to enjoy.
This, by the way has tried, as it will give you joy and pleasure is a source of suffering. All, I say strive for joy, but where to find a permanent, very happy, they do not know it, one wants to feast the luxury or the other - his vanity and customer crowd, another - the favorite, is another - of the empty Swank liberal sciences and literature that nothing neizdziedina. Letting all these fraudulent and transient pleasures of one hour joyous insanity to pay with long hideous. . . .
peak is reached it, who knows what fun is worth it.
now explain to you how you can realize that you are not yet wise. The wise are joyful, bright, calm, imperturbable, he lives at the same level with the gods. And now think about yourself: if you\'ve never grieved, if not disturbed by any hope for the future waiting for your soul, if your lively and self-satisfied souls day and night, the mood remains the same the same, then you have reached the highest human good. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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