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was the least good in life - wealth, the greatest - wisdom.
All the good from the evil rises.
Who is right? - Everything That which strengthens abilities, will reign, copper man. What is bad? - All this, arising from weakness.
man is hard to be good.
The challenge is to become better, but it is possible, but to be good - impossible.
good job doing, do not anxiously look to what people say.
bar evil people, so he made this plea for good. Why do you nepamāci him better, and do it? Art can not be taught any of Barsana, shoes, sew and not eating well, not boil, or - to be no more good art? And now you ask that each of their skills to yourself. How, then, to learn to be good? - Learn the true benefit of each vote.
Right - beautiful work.
Know what is right, it is better to know a lot.
. . . finds a lasting benefit. But this is only what the soul finds itself. Virtue only gives a permanent, safe fun.
It is the highest good, which you have already acquired a stand next to the gods, being no more humble suppliant.
Epicurus has two benefits resulting from the combination of, aplaimotājs benefit: the body is free from pain, the soul of the worries.
. . . desire for true quality. You vaicāsi: what it is and where it originated? Answer: from the pure faith and honest intentions of good behavior, all random contempt, from the calm and steady life Ritums along the same path of life.
Right I understand what, how do we know for us is useful.
This right, which does not allow us to enjoy greater benefits, in fact, is bad [evil], because the things they say that they are good or bad, as we compare them with each other. . . . Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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