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Poems / Love

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What we most love, that\'s the most angry with us.
[ Love ]
If there is no love between people, then surely appear enmity.
[ Love ]
Love - it\'s not special. I know what lust is. It\'s a natural and perfect, but love - it is a disease.
[ Love ]
most unbearable love - peace. Obscured happiness can bother, life does not do non-tidal: the case of obstacles in love iekvēlojas brighter and enjoyed the lessons above are evaluated.
[ Love ]
Love spoofing is very similar to the truth.
[ Love ]
Who knew not love, it seems to not lived.
[ Love ]
Mostošās Drive hides unexplainable fascination, love all loveliness - change.
[ Love ]
The highest proof of love - is obedience to the one you love will.
[ Love ]
Not very heart of man is his own power, not his own will to force yourself to love or hate.
[ Love ]
themselve most suffering - the suffering of love.
[ Love ]
Real love does not accept any orders and take the oath.
[ Love ]
so many times I have heard of people who die of love, but their lives have not seen any that really would have died.
[ Love ]
pretmīlestība, but a great love overcomes the suffering caused by unilateral love.
[ Love ]
loving people have always been the creative, they created good and evil. Both love the fire and the flames of hatred burning in behalf of any virtue.
[ Love ]
When we bog pools are self-saturated and can not cease to love yourself, then for prevention iesakāma love for his neighbor: for so, for how close will force us to believe that we are worthy of love.
[ Love ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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