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Poems / Fallacy

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Better to make a happy delusion over truth unhappy.
[ Fallacy ]
Either the other person in authority, or the same haste leads us to error.
[ Fallacy ]
In looking at the truth - not the strange delusion.
[ Fallacy ]
In looking, then destined to be mistaken.
[ Fallacy ]
not fair not to tolerate honest human error.
[ Fallacy ]
illusion of truth is an illusion.
[ Fallacy ]
Also, all the big people are wrong. A fire and light and smoke.
[ Fallacy ]
People generally believe that better be wrong crowd than alone to seek the truth.
[ Fallacy ]
delusion, followed by bigotry, pride and crime, have done more harm to people and their cruel monsters or the impression left by the stars in the sky.
[ Fallacy ]
illusion of matter - is not lost, only changed form.
[ Fallacy ]
Fear is characterized by ongoing exaggerate the true significance.
[ Fallacy ]
Fallacy delighted, appalled by the truth.
[ Fallacy ]
The fallacy which can not be rebutted. Mind, which is wrong, should be given the knowledge that it will light. Then illusion will disappear on their own.
[ Fallacy ]
Smart fallacy is certainly instructive truths, even foolish, as the sage lives in the heights from which all are transparent, while the fool on the lowland Minaj already beaten track.
[ Fallacy ]
Nature never modify their laws or wrong in their prescribed places, while a man and revolve in their law and wrong in their life paths, so people also carry this nogrozāmais law of nature: what is wrong, then suffer maldījumi.
[ Fallacy ]

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