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Poems / Truth

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The truth is harder to understand than the people of falsehood, because the truth is organic and natural, and as such lies and izlobāma. While falsehood is artificially made and in some cases and some understanding of a righteous appropriate.
[ Truth ]
truth may say so, how feelings can be quiesced because lie feels, not the mind.
[ Truth ]
lie to each other talking straight off, not even the truth. The truth lies in getting value artificially.
[ Truth ]
My job is to tell the truth, rather than forcing it to believe it.
[ Truth ]
My job is to tell the truth, rather than forcing it to believe it.
[ Truth ]
Following their vocation\'m standing half truths, and while I do, I have a reward becomes inevitable - I\'ll find your heart.
[ Truth ]
truth - is to make the world easier, not to bring the arrangement of the chaos, the idea that diversity can be shelled from the general.
[ Truth ]
Truth did not suffer from the fact that someone does not accept it.
[ Truth ]
truth - a mirror, a reflection of our own hypocrisy is unbearable and samākslotībai.
[ Truth ]
Who loves the truth, it hates the gods in the plural and singular.
[ Truth ]
All great truths began as blasphemies are.
[ Truth ]
true only that which is eternal.
[ Truth ]
Let\'s be honest and admit that none of this, said the far back, Demokritos or Plato, we do not have the truth, if it will not be adequate for our needs.
[ Truth ]
We are pleased to get to the truth. If no joy, it means that we are only familiar with the truth, but have not been able to conceive.
[ Truth ]
There are far more violent weapons on slander: it is a weapon - the truth.
[ Truth ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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