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Poems / Feeling

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two extremes: completely deny the sense to recognize only common sense.
[ Feeling ]
drunken man - not man, because he has lost that which distinguishes man from the animal\'s - sense.
[ Feeling ]
human intelligence like the globe on which it lives: it is a party surrounded with darkness, while the other is illuminated.
[ Feeling ]
Intelligence - is the refusal of the impossible all the necessary benefit.
[ Feeling ]
Intelligence is worth only if it serves love.
[ Feeling ]
The mind by nature is distinguished by its feminine: it never does, but only perceived, its action is directed to fit the objectives of both the life and science and philosophy and even poetry in the field. Therefore, humanity as such, refers to the sense sphere. But in this area there can be no genius, as genius is the power of impartial observation, which is unusual for most people. Its expression is incidental, for example, even an ordinary person can write ciešamu poetry. But it appeared to disappear quickly, because the ordinary man looking for his support throughout the abstract concept of how tired looking chair to sit. This can be explained so that the largest number of people interested in the world only as an object of desire, which is sufficient to satisfy the sense. That\'s why the crowd so little interested in art and natural beauty.
[ Feeling ]
people can only be held in slavery so long as he is in his spirit so weak that listens to your voice of reason.
[ Feeling ]
reasonable and moral is always the same.
[ Feeling ]
The fact that intelligence is too often a losing battle, still serve as a sufficient basis for hysterical conclusion that it will never reach your goal.
[ Feeling ]

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