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Poems / Feeling

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Healthy-minded people among other people - as a beautiful voice in the concert, made up of worthless and jangle. In this case, so be disonansējoša sounding voice.
[ Feeling ]
Intelligence, says freethinkers, we set out to serve the passions, rather than to fight them, it is their mentor, not a tyrant.
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If common sense can not rule over the passions, at least it makes them milder and prevent their devastating attack. Also, it is a benefit if less evil.
[ Feeling ]
People always stands against reason, if reason opposes them.
[ Feeling ]
case and doom - is just empty words, only the reasonableness of what makes up human destiny.
[ Feeling ]
There is no god by the power of what to do with a man who ignored public opinion, decency, breaking rules, pushing himself to shame and earns his neighbor curses. Each endowed with a healthy sense person easily understand that in this world love and respect others require the sake of his own fortune, to the detriment of himself with his vices and earns the contempt of society, life becomes a painful burden.
[ Feeling ]
The first reason is to distinguish truth from falsehood.
[ Feeling ]
Intelligence is the ability that gives us a priori knowledge of the principles.
[ Feeling ]
all complain about their memory, but none complain about their intelligence.
[ Feeling ]
The more we act reasonably managed, because we are freer, more obey the passions, - in paverdzinātāki.
[ Feeling ]
at least once in their lives are not lost sense?
[ Feeling ]
intelligent men limit themselves to doing good deeds.
[ Feeling ]
Intelligence - half of the wisdom of life.
[ Feeling ]
always irrational clerical. It is exaggerated to dope. The mind no doubt, it does not distort the [reality], and do not adjust nemistificē: he is simply narrow-minded and incompetent.
[ Feeling ]
The first reason is to making the unknown known.
[ Feeling ]

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