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Poems / Wisdom

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Wisdom gives life to those who it is.
[ Wisdom ]
Long life is on the right hand, left hand riches and honor it. These roads are nice and all its paths peace. It is the tree of life for all, that at its extent, and blessed are those who keep themselves.
[ Wisdom ]
Happy is the man who finds true knowledge, and a man who, to get yourself a clear mind! For it is better to get implemented knowledge than silver - and the fruits are more valuable than gold. It is cildenāka of pearls, and all you want is not comparable to it. Long life is on the right hand, left hand it is wealth and honor. These roads are pleasant ways, and all its paths peace. It is the tree of life for all, that at its extent, and blessed are those who keep themselves.
[ Wisdom ]
Neliecies themselves are too cute.
[ Wisdom ]
. . . no one can live happily, not even sary, without striving for wisdom. . . happy life can be achieved with fully trained in wisdom, be tolerated - even with its beginnings.
[ Wisdom ]
main task and its main characteristic - to match the words and works for everyone in all circumstances be among their peers and the same.
[ Wisdom ]
If someone dies as free of care, as born, he has attained wisdom, but now we are shaking as soon as the approaching danger, get discouraged, turned pale, valleys vain tears. Just the same concern for the safety threshold - or possibly that apkaunojošāks?
[ Wisdom ]
foolish is that humiliating, despicable, ugly, slavish, subject to the passions of many vismežonīgākām. Of these, the severe pavēlniecēm, which is both alternating and all the time you deliver wisdom, which alone is freedom.
[ Wisdom ]
. . . Think about what you offer wisdom: continuous, balanced pleasure.
[ Wisdom ]
Socrates, who called for a return to the philosophy of ethics, said supreme wisdom was to distinguish good from evil.
[ Wisdom ]
wise. . . beat fate of manners. . . .
[ Wisdom ]
sober, it is self-possessed, self-possessed that it is a strong character, that character is firm, it is free of affective, that is free of affective, it knows no sorrow, that knows no sorrow, it is happy and the only prātīgumu sufficient to a happy life.
[ Wisdom ]
Wisdom fear of ignorance, fear no doubt, work, studies, it fears that one: to say that they know what one knows.
[ Wisdom ]

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